Big brother is CONSTANTLY watching. Years ago I had a Tumblr site, and the powers that be fucked it up entirely. I never went back. I hope that your problem here is resolved fairly. Of all the sites, you most certainly don't deserve this hassle. I wish you the best - good luck

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Sorry you were part of that unfortunate period at Tumblr. I only began using it in the last couple of years, after Automatic bought it and has been doing a good job trying to make up for the mess Yahoo! made of it. If you haven’t visited lately, I’d be curious what your opinions are of it now. I missed the “Gold Rush” days (before Yahoo!) sadly.

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Well written my friend and I totally agree with everything that you've put here. We have also faced the same challenges. This resulted in a second strike against our channel two days ago. We are following your lead and bringing our content over onto sub stack as well. We've also taken it onto telegram too. There are many other ways to ensure that the visibility of our community and the heritage is not lost. Youtube sadly is censoring so much that I quite agree with you. It's just becoming a platform for repeated content that has very little value or creativity left. I'm not too sure I would go as far to say it will eventually cut off the branch it is sitting on, however, many of our Youtube followers have commented and said they are stopping watching youtube for a number of reasons. One of which is the heavy censorship and just the fact that they can't find the content that they enjoy watching anymore.

I am all for protecting the children and this is an important consideration, yet like yourself, a lot of our content that has been restricted or age limited or even like this one =removed, did not include anything that we could say was showing naughty parts or otherwise. To quote a line from Bruce Lee, it's important to be like water. We will always find a way.😁🎉😎

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Sorry you're going through another strike too. I'm trying to avoid another, but the struggle is real. The bots and bot-like bureaucrats seem determined to deny basic anatomy...we have PARTS. Zucking asshats. I know it's popular now, but like every platform it may not always be in favor. In the meantime, try to use what you can to promote your other avenues...YouTube is a good marketing tool, if not a great place to post content. Good luck! 🌈✌️

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Thanks Clint. I appreciate your solidarity and you have mine🎉🙏 I totally understand when you say you're trying to avoid another and the struggle being real. From my perspective even when this two week ban on posting is lifted, I'm rather apprehensive to post anything further and that's what I mean about censorship. One more piece of content, that suddenly the bots or powers that be decide violate some random policy that is unclear, means the entire content is deleted and the channel removed.

Therefore I'd rather leave the content as it is and perhaps not post anything further. So at least it is there to inspire and encourage people with existing content that was approved. It is youtube's platform, and they're entitled to make the rules in their house. Equally, we have a choice, and have to decide whether we want to go and visit their house anymore or not!🙂 If only I had the money, I'd be out there creating a channel and platform that basically blows this one away. There has to be room for everybody to air their point of view. And if you do violate some policy, it should not result in just immediate strikes or bans or removal and termination. I wasn't aware that it had become a communist state on youtube.

On the other hand, I'm in agreement with you that using youtube as a good marketing tool is the best way possible to look at the platform. After all, it is owned by Google. And the two of them together perform one of the biggest volume of searches and ranking out there.

I'm still not sure what I can make of youtube's policies, to be honest. As you say, it's not just the fact that they deny we have parts, but it's also the fact that I come across plenty of other videos, (and I have to say mostly all of women) who it seems it's perfectly fine to show gyrating and bouncing around on camera. I even found one 'yoga' video whereby somebody was in a very compromising position. Clearly angled to attract clicks from their thumbnail. If Youtube would like to talk about protecting children, then maybe they should take a look at those videos too, because it's sending a very weird stereotype about what makes a man and what makes a woman.

Personally speaking, I have no time for their shenanigans. And like you and many others who I'm sure are facing the same challenges, we just go elsewhere and create our own house.... Whether that be here on sub stack over on telegram or any other video platforms that we can lay our hands on. We're wishing you all the best too. Here's hoping that we make it through these ridiculous bans and strikes. But if not, I trust that the universe has another way it wants me to explore. So I follow the signposts and trust the process.🙏😎💖

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Maybe a year ago YT informed me I'd made a comment that violated policy and my comment was removed as a result.

That was it. There was no reference to which comment or what policy.

I replied that I'd be delighted to modify my comments so as to avoid future problems. I noted that in order to do so I'd need a copy of my comment, the relevant YT policy, and YT's own explanation of how my comment violated the policy.

I concluded with a sentence or two about how I cannot be responsible for avoiding further transgressions until I know what the first transgression was.

As you might guess, I never received a reply.

Regarding your other comment, I've noticed the same thing. If the body in question is female, pretty much anything goes. Perhaps YT enforces what it gets complaints about and female bodies receive fewer complaints? I've also noticed that pretty much any vid that is male-positve in any way has at least a few comments about how 'it' (not always explained or clear from context) is 'wrong'in some way (again, not always explained or clear). So there are people/bots deliberately targetting male-oriented vids.

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Thanks for also sharing your perspective and experience too Anton.🙏😎

As you quite neatly describe it is nonsensical most of the time. And just another way to take you down a time sinkhole. I believe the lack of respect and value for their users will be YouTube demise in the end, but it's going to be a long time coming and in the meantime I don't know about you, but I don't have a lot of time left on Planet Earth.🤣

Thank you also for sharing your point of view regarding members of the female species. It does seem to be a free for all. And quite frankly, hypocrisy. I agree with you that maybe it is the fact that some people are purposely trying to have male positive or male centric content removed from you tube, or maybe just gay content, I'm not sure. Either way, if it's bots in control of these decisions, which I suspect is highly likely, we have little hope. I yearn for the days before AI and any of this online stuff. Morrissey said it well..Modern life is rubbish.🤣🤣

At the same time, reality is what it is. So for now, I will try to use the online tools in the best way I can and pray that sub stack is a more loving home for this content. Thank you again for taking the time to really share your point of view too. I appreciate it, as I'm sure Clint does as well.🙏⭐😎

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The level of scrutiny seems to be very selective. Nudist/natusist channels are heavily scrutinized. IIRC, some get dinged even when there's less skin than a bathing suit shows.

Channels that cover the Russian invasion of Ukraine have a litany of things they cannot show. Basically anything that suggest a war is verboten. WTAF? Again, enforcement is very selective. A pro-Ukranian channel located in a third country has extra hoops if a Russian owns it. One channel literally can't say 'missiles'. They have to say 'round metal cylinders that fly through the air'

My understanding is that YT only takes violation appeals seriously if other major pro-ukranian channels complain and their viewers complain en masse.

I don't understand the tech aspects but some creators suspect masses of Russian bots are flagging vids by the thousands. When creators get hold of a person, he seems not to understand what's going on. The fact that a business that exists only online is oblivious to the fact that Russia's involved in a full-scale cyber war with us is mind-boggling.

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These bad actors and chaos agents are doing their best to undermine whatever freedoms we have by making misinformation as common as the common cold. Achu? Bless us all.

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