Well said, Clint - bullying is a special form of cowardice.

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Uh…HUH. I may not win, but I won’t back down from bullies. If they zuck around, they will find out. :-)

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I'm stubbornly clinging to my hope that we're witnessing a societal version of terminal lucidity.

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Fingers—and toes—crossed. Either that or Clint’s gonna start swinging. :-p

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More love, indeed! We can lay the foundations of a new social architecture based on respect for each other. No need for silly macho posturing. No need for toxic hetero-normative, binary notions. Let's crush the most insidious aspects of the patriarchy (i.e. the oppression of women and minorities, bullying, etc.) and soldier on, poised to achieve dignity for everyone.

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One thing I've noticed is that the under 30 crowd are much less concerned with the more insidious and oppressive aspects of society. The reason seems to have little or nothing to do with being more fair or just. It's just that things like skin color, religion, sexual orientation, etc. simply are not regarded as relevant. They look at those things the way we look at people being up in arms about being left handed.

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Agreed. And those that do care are usually fighting on the right side of history. I blame the human dinosaurs who realize the world as they knew it has moved on, and they’re too hateful and ignorant to evolve. So…in the immortal words of Oprah—and I’m no fan—the dinosaurs (and their way of thinking) have gotta die. The death rattles are so loud and annoying, though.

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