I support you in this decision. It's all in line with my concern for you to pace yourself, cut back and have more rest periods. I actually think that it will lead to more productivity (in quality rather than volume). xx

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I'm definitely working smarter and scheduling more down time. It's one of the reasons I can sometimes take longer to reply. Thanks for the support as always, Ray!

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From the word go, you have been a friend to me. You have recommended me, left, right and centre. My presence here is not a business one, as I will not be asking anyone to pay to read my stories. I am a very introverted man and thus a) do not make friends easily and b) would feel overwhelmed if I had a plethora of social contacts. I care about people and I certainly care about you. xx

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Awwww...shucks. I'm just a fellow introvert, doing my thing, (friendly) stranger-on-the-internet style. Cheers!

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Let's have a mutual appreciation group - ha ha ha. I sussed out that you are basically intorverted like I am. When working professionally, dealing with patients, meetings, teaching and so on went against my deep need for "me-time". Fortunately, I wasn't socially phobic and I really liked helping people and training them. But it drained me. One of our differences today is that I don't need to earn money to survive anymore but you need to support yourself financially. I don't need to have an audience, customers... it doen't really matter whether people like my stories (I hope they do, though). I think that you do need your supporters, your networking, your audience and customers. Much love, younger brother.

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Thank you, Ray. While I have been able to "extravert" as needed...even like you it drains me. These days I rather use that energy to create (and curate). And since getting the attention in person drains me so much, finding patrons online is a lot more viable. I'm lucky I'm connecting with more and more. Not that quantity is as important to me as quality. That's why I love Substack so much more lately. Love and light to you, Ray.

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Then we understand each other well. Thus, we readily and intuitively support each other. Isn't that part of what loving is about? Love isn't necessarily romantic or erotic. I might not love you as much as a member of my family or a close friend but the essence seems to be there. [big smiley face and a heart]

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I'm a bit confused as I somehow missed any email that was a little too NSFW. No worries though.

As for your new method of producing videos, will you make a real one for here, then delete pics to make a YT-rated version? Or have i missed something rely basic here?

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When I took the day off Tuesday, I scheduled a video to go live Wednesday (as a blog post) but seems that most people got it in their inbox...and not everyone liked seeing it that way. No biggie. I'll do my best to not repeat the error.

Still figuring out my process for the videos, so it might change. Currently, if it has NSFW images, I'll definitely make the Substack first and then do a shorter version for YT. If it doesn't have NSFW content, I think I'm going to upload to YouTube, but Pre-Premiere it here...like I did earlier with this one (https://collidepress.substack.com/p/brotherly-love-1) and then it will premiere on YouTube the day after.

If you have any suggestions, happy to hear them. Just trying to simplify things a bit for myself...and help others find content they enjoy. Cheers!

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