An example of the arbitrariness of standards:

A few years ago a guy who has a yard & garden channel did a vid in the buff for World Naked Gardening Day. He set it up like that fruit scene from Austin Powers. I thought it was pretty clever. He also got a two week vacation from YT for showing his dick. Problem was, neither he nor anybody else could find it in the 'offending' vid. Long story short: you had to play it at 1/4 speed to spot it and even then it was so brief a flash that there's no way I'd've seen it if I hadn't been specifically been looking for it. How quick did it come and go? Viewers were jokingly complaining to him that the display was too fast for them to freeze frame it and take a screen shot for further research. 😉

He never did find out how it was caught. IIRC it was up there for a couple of days and none of his viewers noticed. Was there some high tech dick detecting technology involved? Was it some closet case scouring every mostly nude male he could find? We'll never know.

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Sounds familiar. Had a video get removed several days after it premiered for allegedly having a fully nude man in a swimming pool. It's obvious to human eyes he's in a pair of Speedos. But when I appealed, YouTube rejected the appeal and assured me he was nude. My guess (based on countless interactions) is YouTube most employees bots...for everything. It's one of the reason I'm less and less inclined to post work there. Not worth the headaches. Won't be surprised when the ship crashes...history is not on their side. So much censorship. And so many bots. :-)

Btw, the video you mention sounds awesome. Hope he found another platform to post on.

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