Whenever I run into something like this my first thought is nearly always, "Must be nice to have a life that gives you enough discretionary time that you can make an existential crisis out if this. I've never had that experience."

I don't know anything about the story at all, but it just seems odd that anyone even cares about the skin color of whoever plays characters in an imaginary world. I'm really falling to see how it matters.

I'll be honest. I completely failed to follow your description of the other side's argument, so maybe my opinion is too uninformed to be of value.

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All good. The story is a bit of a nothing burger, but it grabbed my attention while I was writing. Dunno why. Your opinion is as informed as mine frankly. 🤓🤪

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I'm a Wicked fan. Matter of fact, I'm seeng it on Broadway for the 6th time in mid-November with my hubby and friends. It's so disappointing --to say the least-- to hear that people who claim to be fans fail to see the whole point of this marvelous story. Same old, I guess: ignorance reigns supreme.

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Color me green with envy. I finally got to see it back in 2019 after years of trying to score tickets when there on business. The entire company was wonderful. And I have no care/idea what race any of the cast was. Folks have all kinds of weird ideas about shows. Some have some valid criticisms of Erivo’s response. I still stand by mine. And love her. You guys enjoy the show! 🌈✌️❤️

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Form vs Content. Sign or Symbol vs Meaning. Surface vs Depth. As an ex-psychotherapist/clinical psychologist, I take note of the former but actually mainly focus on the second . What is the mechanism, meaning, purpose and significance? The Why more than the How. Don't merely look at the label on the soup can but taste the contents.

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Agreed, Ray. Sadly, with Ms Grande attached, this is a soup I’ll likely leave on the shelf. Not interested in her wickedness. lol

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