Merlin!! And don't forget Simon :) Love the video, Clint - it's like a fireworks show for jellyfish.

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Totally forgot about Simon. Though I played Simon Says on Merlin a lot! So much so my dad bought me an AC adapter to use at home. He hated buying batteries. lol

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I was never into video games...and I always though PONG was PING's partner in Table Tennis, but there are some amazing visuals. Thank you!

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I feel ya…I left most of my gaming obsession—and hair—back in the 1980s. I don’t know how to work most of the consoles these days and not interested to learn. :-p

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wow, very, very cool on the Ode to Pong, Client

Great job

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Thanks, Don...glad you enjoyed it. A little "coloring outside the lines" as it were. lol

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