It’s Saturday morning as I start to write this. After a few hours sleep (far less than I would have liked), I woke up in a mood to write. Specifically to write as part of my “Studio Satuday” practice.
Studio Saturday? While millions around the country head to church or synagogue over the weekend, more than a few agnostic and atheist creatives have come up with our own form of “worship.”
Creativity, for me, is a “spiritual” practice. Or as close to one as I know.
What’s so special about Saturdays? Well, it’s 1) a day that ends in Y, 2) it’s a day most enjoy as their day off from traditional “work,” and 3) why not?
I can’t think of much else I’d rather be doing than spending some time doodling or noodling in my studio. Sometimes it’s a short session. Sometimes it lasts all day.
There are no rules other than “Have Fun.” No requirement to share or talk about what I did or learned. My best times are had when I find a flow…and just go!
S = Serene
A = Adventure
T = Time
U = Unwind
R = Relaxing
D = Discovery
A = Artful
Y = Yes
While I may start this Studio Saturday writing, where I end up is anyone’s guess.
I have a few general ideas and notes. But without as many external pressures to make/produce/sell, I’m more able to explore and follow wherever creativity and curiosity take me.
Like all forms of practice, it’s not about perfection.
Some Saturdays are “better” than others.
The good news is it’s not for a grade.
It’s all bonus points and extra credit.
Thanks for reading!
Ko-Fi + Linktree + Shop + Storefront + YouTube
Days that end in Y are the best days... Thank you so much for the plug, Clint! ❤️🔥⚡🧡