In case you don’t know, I try to set aside at at least a few hours every Saturday to just “play” in my studio. I call it “Studio Saturday” and it’s my version of a religious/spiritual practice. Cuz…art and creativity is what I know and what I love.
This is my third attempt at writing this post.
Third because I couldn’t stay on topic. Over the past week, there has been too much news. And there have been too many views. So I needed to get a few things off my chest. But you don’t need to read that stuff.
We’re here to discuss art and creativity. Not news and politics. Most of the time.
That said, I’m think of today as a “spa” day, filled with artistic musings and perusings. Definitely some resting and relaxing too. Cuz…it was a week, y’all.
To kick off this “spa” day, here’s a series of quotes me and the crew loved so much we made a whole collection around them: WORDS OF WISDOM. Might be time to add a few more to the mix soon. Any suggestions?
Before I head off to muse and peruse, let’s “Relax, Relate, Release” with Debbie Allen and Jasmine Guy, circa 1991:
For me, the scene is a classic, airing while I was in college.
So I could totally relate. If not relax or release quite yet.
Wishing you and yours a lovely day (or night) ahead.
With an endless supply of cucumber-infused water.
Thanks for reading!