In 2024, it's hard to miss the influence of queer art, artists, and history in popular culture these days. From end-of-the-year lists to the latest Calvin Klein underwear campaign, so much seems made by queer artists for queer (and queer-friendly) audiences.
But Queer Art + History is rarely see discussed in mainstream media.
Discussions though about queerness mostly remain relegated to academic, creative, or LGBTQ-friendly channels and publications.
Until the last few decades, much of queer history in general was shrouded in mystery. In the closet so to speak.
Some of our history still is and too much has been lost to time.
(Also, in today's political climate, there are "some people" that still don't want us to talk about anything queer. "Some people" would rather we all go back in our respective closets and pretend things are the way they never really were. Oh. Well. History will move on, regardless of what "some people" want.)
Back when we were still in art school, only one of us had any classes that even mentioned LGBTQIA+ creatives specifically. Today, entire curriculums are built around Queer Art Studies. Yay for progress!
That said...most of us still have so much to learn about our queer pioneers.
As a collaborative collective of queer creatives, Collide Press is dedicated to shining a light on both our LGBTQIA+ past and our Art + Design present as we strive for a brighter future for all creatives.
Below is a small selection of some of our favorite Queer Art and LGBTQIA+ Artists. From our Project Public Domain and Queer Photo Album: Making History collections.
We've also collected some links and resources to help you discover more about the world of Queer Art + History.
Thanks for reading!
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