Spice can be nice, but too much spice can lead to not-so-nice consequences.
It was only a matter of time before I added too much spice to our Main YouTube Channel. Sooner or later I was going to cross the line. Yesterday was that sooner.
Long story short: It turns out you can get a strike (and a 1-week suspension) for even linking to blogs/sites/Tumblrs that contain adult-oriented content.
That I did not know. Oooooooooops.
Not thrilled, but not exactly shocked either.
YouTube’s rule about “sexually-gratifying” content is a bit silly imo, but I understand the content needs to be advertiser-friendly. And unlike Meta, me and the crew benefit when we follow Google’s rules. And we get a time out (or worse) when we don’t.
Lesson learned. I hope.
Decided to use this forced “break” to catch up on some projects big and small on the Collide Press Shop. As well as on Tumblr and, of course, on YouTube. I can still make some of the edits and updates I’ve been putting off…there’s no time like the present.
(Note: A few features are locked though…like adding to and creating new Playlists!)
Since I started this post, I took a break to rebrand another channel I started a while back to be our Second/Too Channel and published a new/improved version of the video that led to this mess. (Note: The video is cool with YouTube…just not the link the collection the images were pulled from. If anyone but me cares. lol)
Appreciate all the love and support.
Thanks for reading…and watching!
Ko-Fi + Linktree + Shop + Storefront + YouTube