In case you missed it, back in December, an almost-four-hour opus about plagiarism on YouTube went viral…on YouTube.
The audience was most definitely listening. To date, the video has over 20M views.
Since its release, it’s also inspired almost as many commentary, drama, and reaction video followups and updates. To say it’s had an impact in the content creator world would be an understatement.
Despite his large subscriber count, its creator, hbomberguy, was new to me.
Given the size of the platform, number of channels and creators, and my general tendency to stick to what I know, that’s hardly surprising. Not only is this bi, British guy easy on the ears, he’s a smartie with heartie. So I liked and subscribed.
Since subscribing, I’ve rewatched parts of the miniseries, especially the chapter he calls “The Cost.” It’s the part of the show were hbomberguy puts everything into perspective and finds, for me, a silver-lining in this tragic tale: New LGBTQ creators and points of views finding a bigger audience.
In that spirit…and with the help of hbomberguy’s playlist), I’ve started compilinga list of LGBTQ YouTube Channels and Creators…for your Like + Subscribe consideration.