We made the digital painting above to illustrate our collective pov on the current culture war surrounding gender identity, labels, and pronouns.
Like most wars, death and destruction are the only real outcome. The commentary, coverage, and debates are just part of the shock and awe campaigns. The only winners are those using the vitriol to fundraise and grift. Snake oil salesmen and war profiteers now have lots more ways to holler and make a dollar than in the day of our Founding Fathers.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Declaration of Independence US Constitution
Further, we define “men” in the above to include all humankind.
And if we had a codified DEI policy for the collective, it would be full of other self-evident truths, including (but not limited to):
While our understanding and vocabulary about gender, identity, and sexuality continue to evolve, the hate remains the same old story. Only louder and prouder.
Some of those hateful loud and proud voices are coming from within our own ranks. Many have conveniently forgotten their own annoying, fitful journeys through coming out or wax nostalgic about times that never were and will never be.
The Family LGBTQ has been putting the “fun” in dysfunction since at least the Stonewall Riots in 1969. With each letter representing its own set of communities, cultures, opinions, and organizations, it’s no wonder the collective “we” can have a hard time getting along. But it’s no excuse to stop trying to be and do better.
If only more would grow up and look for common ground. There are plenty of areas we can work on together to make things better for everyone.
Even amongst our differences. Maybe because of our differences.
Personally, using someone’s new name or pronouns is a small price to pay to be part of a civilized, loving society.
Courtesy + Kindness + Respect = Human
We’re never gonna do it enough or the right way for some. Oh. Well. HUMAN.
Language evolves. Hopefully so does love and understanding.
Best wishes for peace…
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