One of the most artistic, creative, and talented people we know doesn't call themself an artist. An artisan? Maybe. But definitely not l'artiste.
Rather than labeling themselves and their creativity, they prefer to "make stuff."
We also struggle with calling ourselves Capital-A "Artists."
Even "Artists & Designers" felt somehow wrong.
Currently, we identify as "Queer Creatives."
The Imposter Syndrome Struggle is real.
The act of labeling oneself as an artist is a deeply personal and subjective choice. The titles we embrace, whether it's 'artist,' 'creative,' or any other label, carry profound meaning and reflect our connection with the world of imagination.
As Shakespeare wrote (in Romeo and Juliet), "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Similarly, the essence of being an artist transcends the mere words we use to describe it
Actor - Animator - Artisan - Artist - Artiste - Author - Baker - Chef - Choreographer - Comedian - Creative - Creator - Dancer - Designer - Developer - Director - Documentarian - Editor - Educator - Filmmaker - Glassblower - Illustrator - Magician - Maker - Modeler - Musician - Painter - Performer - Photographer - Playwright - Poet - Potter - Printmaker - Puppeteer - Scenic - Screenwriter - Sculptor - Stylist - tEACHER - Weaver - Woodworker - Writer
BONUS: Add a word for endless variations!
In a society that often categorizes and compartmentalizes individuals, labeling oneself as an artist is an act of defiance. It's a declaration that one is not confined by societal norms or predefined roles.
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
Pablo Picasso
Embracing the title of an artist is a commitment to preserving the innate creativity that resides within each of us.
Calling oneself an artist is not just about creating visual masterpieces or crafting eloquent prose. It's a journey of self-discovery, an exploration of one's inner landscapes.
"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way – things I had no words for."
Georgia O'Keeffe
Artists, regardless of the label they choose, possess the unique ability to breathe life into ideas and emotions.
To be an artist is to be in a perpetual state of seeking, striving, and pouring one's heart into the act of creation.
Whether you identify as an artist, a creative, or any other title, the important thing is to break free from the limitations imposed by labels. Embracing the title of an artist is a liberation from the shackles that constrain our creative expression.
We are united by the common thread of passion and the desire to leave an indelible mark on the canvas of human existence.
So, whether you call yourself an artist, a creative, or something entirely unique, remember that the true essence of your craft lies not in the name but in the profound impact your creativity has on the world.
Whatever you decide to call yourself, we hope you keep on making.
Thanks for reading!
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